was so confused but then it sped up and i was like O.o

Our second track is finally here! Enjoy! This is definitely the direction we intended to take with this collaboration! Freaky and scary!
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0 -
0 e.e ..Wat
0 good energy :) cool stuff
0 missed this - what a shame - so f___ing good - collabs are like that everyone misses them - nice one :)
1 very panicy very nice elements in there sounds like im running from a monster
0 really nice. something i would find on the ipod of the monsters under my bed XD hahah very nice track
0 Great Darkness, : )
0 :)
0 ...psycho;-)!
0 This track is really unique in its kind. I've never really heard such a 303 before, it's not usually that crushed sounding. And the melodies are nice too, I think it's all very fitting to the mood this track portrays. I'd like to hear a new track from you two sometime, I think you have something together.
0 Why is this.... reminding me of .... what wuz that game.. ah yes... Yu-Gi-Oh!..
0 Sounds.. like in a scarry movie (after the middle part)!!! Nice!
0 Psycho! lol. (missed this). ;) I love the chaotic robot. That's hilarious!
0 certain parts fit my brain perfectly
0 theme song of the brain