I'm not really sure what this is, but I thought it sounded pretty cool. :D

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  • Holy shit does sound really cool :)

  • Intensity is what this is! Good work! :)

  • very cool sounding syntax

  • It's pretty cool. At 1:30 -ish the sounds start drowning each other out; you should see if you can't choose some tracks to mute at certain times to get the sounds working in synergy. Near the end, you should try and see if you can't get those slide moving down every once in a while. The overall feel reminds me of End Of Line by Daft Punk.

  • Nice sounds in this one. I like the fading highs and background wind. Whoa! That wha wha wha is great. This is a really cool track Allison. I like this one the most I think.

  • I love this track, You Got It Going ON. :)

  • Excellent sounds! Very cool track!

  • concentration is more of a rearrangement than a remix...

  • Nice One!

  • May hit insta-star by this time tomorrow :-) . It is a cool bass

  • Well usually my recognition is instant, and then it decreases and blah blah..

  • Then I want instant recognition for all my sounds. I will with old new music until I am recognized! ....j/k

  • No, must get popularity now. Need recognition for the awesome sounds I have come up with. :3

  • Give it time. It takes two weeks for my tracks to mature to the public, so i think you can give a few days lol

  • I thought this would be a bit more popular... ;)