well, i should probably explain this lmao


i've been listening to a lot of old tracks i used to like when i was 12 or 13. people like culprate, kursa, skope, etc. have been on my playlist for a minute now. so, being that i usually only make trap beats w/ pretty chords nd shit, i thought i'd expand my horizons nd make something different for at day!

but of course, i had to put my own little "twist" on the genre.

hope you guys enjoy <3

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  • Should've called it Iraq because this is bomb

  • bOi

  • You do know deadmau5 already made an "Ira", but whatevs, I like!

  • ira as in wrath?

    • ding ding ding we have a winner!

  • culprate is p nide

  • some CGman type stuff right here, great work

  • A Roth IRA (Individual Retirement Arrangement) is a retirement plan under US law that is generally not taxed, provided certain conditions are met. The tax law of the United States allows a tax reduction on a limited amount of saving for retirement. The Roth IRA's principal difference from most other tax advantaged retirement plans is that, rather than granting a tax break for money placed into the plan, the tax break is granted on the money withdrawn from the plan during retirement.

  • Lit

    • oof that shade

    • I like how it's not generic and shitty like my tracks or half of this website

  • yoooo your fckn crazy

  • Republished

    final edits for sc!

  • Jazzy!

  • refav m8... this is killer

  • opi fck my nose

  • dang, good stuff

  • Killer!