Felt the need for a bit of a jazzy flavor on AT , enjoy! Headphones sound better!

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  • yeah soul brother i love this joint its smoking

  • Refav!

  • Good stuff dude, hmu and maybe we can collab sometime. Digging the vibes, some old school flavor and new twist with the synths.

  • Republished

    fixed a minor mistake

  • Yea man theres a bit of sample choppin goin on there , jus the horn parts the rest is all AT , i was diggin thru my records... found somethin nice , sped up the bpm and chopped the shit outta it lol , wubz , key synths drums and bassline is a AT.

  • Thx man as always, im really lovin this too and normally get sick of alot of songs while im workin on em cuz of the repetitive looping of the track, but this was enjoyable the whole time.lol

  • its really my ownflavor, i really dont categorize my muzic

  • Republished

    Final Edit

  • Republished

    Added sub bassline

  • Jazz and dubstep mixed... Never thought I'd hear it... Nice job and keep working until its perfect for you dude.

  • Republished

    Fine tunin this track a bit, added a coupl drum change ups, and tweaked some vol levels

  • very creative man

  • cool

  • relaxed :)

  • Love your work man!