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  • Wow, nice!! :O

    You took all of my track elements, rearranged it in a very unique way that I could have never come up with, and it sounds awesome! :)))

    I also like the little things you added here and there, great work overall!!! :DDD

    And thanks again for remixing my track!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Republished



  • yo let me know what you think


    • let me know what you think/ give some feed back

  • Let me know what you think and how it can be improved

    • k, as soon as I'm outta this class (school ;-;) I'll listen :)

  • Republished

    Hat mute

  • Republished

    hat mute

  • Republished

    hat mute

  • Republished

    hat adjust

  • Republished

    Hey guys this is still in beta so

    im still makin edits so pls let me know what you think and how it can be improved

  • remicks

  • btw this prob gonna end up being 4-5 minutes

  • I can't wait for this!!! Good luck my friend! :D

    • Agreed, very true :)


      If you put your heart into what you create, you can create wonders you never imagined you could make! - ALZ Beatz 2021 (lol)


      I'm glad that I have inspired you in a way!

    • thank you,

      tho the little time you've been here you've accomplished

      a lot, changed my perspective, and when you put your

      mind into it

      you can accomplish anything.