i dance alone

Rhythm is,,,,

she's everywhere at once

nowhere at all

she tells me to listen

with the thump in my chest


she wears bright yellow in the winter

she makes the wrong words right

stone black in the summer

I do a funny walk to find her

there she is

resting on my feet

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  • incredible

  • refave <3

  • omfgggg we must make something together. where r u this summer?

  • how did u get the piano to dance around like that

  • and by "calculated" i mean there is a lot of very precise detail, i didnt mean to make it sound as if this is mechanical or anything lmao it sounds organic af <3

  • it sounds so spontaneous yet so caculated, beautiful i love it :)

  • That piano at the end is sick, love that kind of sped up glitch instumental on some piano or arp rly cool. Dig the erik satie sample too

  • you are an artist in the most authentic sense of the word

  • beat is crazy

  • i hear an intense game of pingpong

    • i cant not hear it..lol (hope that the double negative isnt confusing)

    • I respek that

  • godly

  • i heard the chords at the beginning and immediately knew what sample it was. Good work

  • this is unreal

  • saint

  • Lotus vibes.