vocals and duduk (and also mastering) by Wightfall



This Heat is a major influence on me and my music, and this song in particular is haunting in the way that the production and vocals handle it beautifully. Charles Haywards voice runs through you, and the sound collage elements work perfectly. I'm glad to have covered it, and i'd like to give thanks for Wightfall for lending me his beautiful voice and duduk, and thanks for mastering this. - cokehead


I was very happy to work with coke covering a band we both love, and a particularly relevant song of theirs at that (regarding nuclear desperation). It came together much quicker than I thought it would, mostly due to coke's constant creativity. Coke is great and you should follow. - Wightfall

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  • Could totally see this having kicks

  • Loving the vibes!!!

  • Only 5 likes? Something must be wrong with this community.

  • the cover is a excellent painting by waliszewska. coke has great taste

  • literally fucking beautiful

  • Oh yes

    • Oh man I like that, the Swans, that definitely makes sense.

    • Oh no, I mean their older stuff, specifically "Lullabies to Paralyze" or "Songs for the Deaf" era queens, lol. But yeah, no problem. Also I see what you mean with the vocals being too high, I relate to that.

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