Jupiter's Bolt has a massive electronic noise!

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  • Imma' stop using roman god names for my mix tapes. ;)

  • Okay! No rush, I was just wonderin'

  • I actually forgot, sorry mate. I have a short week this week, only two and a hald days, then I have break, so I could work on it like Wednesday?

  • Thanks Codex! :) When are we going to finish our track?

  • Nice work MARS :) your tracks are really coming together

  • Thanks! :)

  • You are doing great man, very nice track.

  • Good stuff man, very nice, the synth is the pulv, you can click on it somewhere not on the buttons and press the let the sideways triangle that pops up and you can change the presets, and you can also init the presets and start on your own, by changing turning on octaves on/off and changing tunes and octave and waveform and so on.

  • And I'm not sure what the synth is. I'm not that great at this music industry, so I don't know a lot.

  • Ok

  • iv realized iv got alot to learn b4 i can tell anyone what they should do :/ i dont consider myself good i mean i like this track so im not sure what you could do

  • ummm i couldnt tell ya really is the synth a preset sound?

  • Thanks! Anything I should work on? Maybe some feedback please?

  • thats pretty cool mars