put your lighters in the air for your crush

not the silly one back in middle school

the one you find yourself staring out the window thinking about, without even meaning to

Thats who this one is for <3

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  • I noticed the sample gets off beat towards the end of the song but I'm too lazy to fix

    Its already on SoundCloud 🙄😮‍💨

  • Number one baybeee

  • Celebrative relike. bully for you.

  • The 808s are not tuned to the main melody loop. However the sub bass is very nicely tuned. So I'd say for the 808s you should push them a couple of octaves to hear the pitch of the notes and then pull them down once they sound good to you. Also make sure that your main melody is in the same key as your 808s so it matches.

    • And also yeah. I'm glad you like my music, and I'm also thankful for helping you (even if my advice isn't the best) since I really try to help people as much as I can, as I do with myself

    • I think it's my headphones tbh

    • Yeah, listening to your stuff, i think you prefer a less dominant low end spectrum, and i think part of the difference is from the genres we prefer to produce, but i respect your opinion, especially since its from a different perspective. It opens my eyes to trying different sounds

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