This is the first track of the partly-for-fun, partly professionally-made, Lue. It's under CC by-SA, so you can take this, remix this, whatever you like. Also, as normal, this will probably be republished a lot for polishing. And, a new refined cover is coming soon. And finally, this was made for Minecraft's 12th Year Anniversary.

Cover Credit:

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  • Republished

    First republish - changed up clutter in beginning, made end less cluttered, added and tuned down some background noise to pull things together much more smoothly.

  • Finally, music which is actually decent. And somehow, I did it with almost no instruments and devices. This... this should be what Lue and future tracks of mine should be like. Simplistic, yet decent and provoking feelings, all from, for the most part, the rhythm. Still gotta republish a lot, though.