There's a story behind everything.


Artwork : "Space" by Lalilouteting (

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  • refav..

  • The rythmic element in this is really cool, it gives it a slightly disjointed feeling and yet it feels so relaxing and beautiful... Love it so much!

  • Beautiful...

  • julsy you are exploding with talent i have no words to explain i love this soooooooooo much :.) so so so so touching

  • refav ....

  • Sonne un peu comme Cat Power, j'adore!

  • amazing

  • excellent!!!concept de tueuse!!!!j'adore!!!

    sale artiste, va!!!! ;)

  • This is beautiful <3

  • love those vocals and that breathy perc sound right at the end, really cool track here that builds up in a cool way

  • Republished

    slightly adjusted vocals level, pan and slope

  • awsome

  • very nice!, i should have expected it doe.

  • This has grown on me in a way I do not understand.. perhaps when I first listened, I listened with my ears and nothing else.. Just then I took my headphones off and put them far away from me.. the distance from this track attracts me even more to it.. it's beautiful.. a dream manifested into a reality..

    This is my favorite of yours Julie.. thank you for sharing..

  • Thanks a lot everyone :D !

    @Flying Baby Seal Haha merci, je me demandais qui serait le premier à remarquer l'histoire ;) C'est cool ça, j'ai hâte d'écouter ton possible futur remix :)