Well dudes... I have come from the oblivion due to the fact that i want write and tell you what i feel.

Yes, right. I know. And you know... I am not the perfect man, i am probably the most imperfect man on the world. Sometimes i don´t made things as you wanted me to do... Other times i only go on my way, without looking you ... I don´t express my feelings because my mind and my heart are in a constant war where sometimes my heart wins and sometimes he lose... I am not the king, i am not the prince. I am a current boy. But you make me feel, laugh... That´s really difficult because my laugh is covered by my problems... I am not the perfect, but you make me perfect.

Your laugh, your lips, your smile... Your eyes, your hands, your words... Those things that i love. My little princess, i know that i don´t react like you wanted but... I will show you that this old boy can surprise you.

Thanks for your time with me , you are like the light which the ships follow.

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  • Beautifull

  • lovely ! well done !

  • Bien hecho tio! Suena bien esa guitarra española. Es tuya? No tengo nada que añadir, quizás un pelin corta. Si encontrará un buen micro para grabar la verdad es que me encantaría hacer algo contigo con guitarrillas :D

  • Cool, man. Thanks for sharing this!

  • beautiful work man, a collab sounds like a lot of fun. just send me an email some time

    karanajitpol @GMAIL .com

  • SPAM much?

  • beauty !

  • also checked out your studio setup for this tune , very complex , you could make this in a much simpler way.....lets talk on audiotool artists on facebook or somewhere

  • I really love this Bro, just my style , only critique is that its much too short. Great samples too!!

  • Creo que has encontrado su sonido. Esta canción es bien bonita. Gracias.

  • the FEELS.

  • Wish I could re-fave :D.

  • wow... so nice

  • Increíble!, relaja mucho. AMAZING.

  • gorgeous gorgeous...