Music is controlled noise. The melody and harmonies in music are related in a context. For some the context is the entire song, for others, the context is the next note. This track takes my limit just slightly further, but still not far enough. I challenge you to listen and enjoy. Unfortunately sound design isn't as good as the first one, but the design wasn't as important as the note tracks for me this time.

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  • I never saw that video. Definitely great 80's graphics goodness :)

  • very interesting :D XD

    truthfully, this reminds me of the metal slug anthology. this, i can see myself playing a game with this music. i really like it. It is also cool how well you can use the basslines. I nvr had the patience to use the bassline much! Great job!! i tried using the bassline on one of my more recent tracks, if you could give me some feedback? thanks :D

  • This is like an arcade game that's going wonky. lol. (also fits with the title too. ;) Yes, I let my imagination run wild with your songs. Your songs make it real easy! I like this story. Have you ever seen: ;) ?

    They have all 3 parts on YouTube. 80s goodness. :)

  • It's sounding like I may need to keep up with the series later and try for a Limit 3 :)

  • This is very well made, good going :D

  • Stunning sound design!!!

  • Yah! :) !

  • I have a love hate relationship program, i can play with it for hours.. But when the cpu bails, or i can't get my ideas straight, i yeall and swear and leave.... But i always come back.... ALWAYS.

  • For me, it's more programmatic. I never really get tunes in my head. I just get ideas for how notes could possibly work together and a possible sound to try to make. I just wish they had an inversion feature....counting the intervals to invert is tedious....At least I only did it once on this one.

  • i dont think i can ever stop playing with audio tool i get tired of it and take a break for a couple days then a tune pops in my head and next thing you know i am Ass deap in Note tracks and time lines

  • Weak? Not in the least my friend!! :) I love it

  • enjoying this !

  • I'm restless or something. I can't stop playing around with audiotool right now. I'll probably try to sneak another track in this weekend too, but it might be an 80's one.

  • unreal cool track - love the description sets it up beautifully :)

  • its part TWO