I went back to the roots of dub and moved it to what many know as dubstep although I never intended for it to be dubstep....

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  • I don't know much about dubstep....but it sounds good to me.

  • thanks the piano detune was an accident and i kinda liked it...the on the other hand were pre edited then imported...

  • i see what is the cause of the out of tune piano. When you change the ammount of steps the delay make that funny efffect. I f you like it keep it, but if you want to remove it just briefly off and on it agian in the very moment the cange happens. That will fix it.

  • The whole concept is very well developed. Personally, I'm a little bit tired of the wowowowes because they all sound the same, but you like 'em and used well. The rythmic section is perfect, the piano fits awesome (even when it's a little bit detuned). The hats are too much too loud, causing pain in the ears. The ideas are perefectly evolved and the sound is gross and compact. Main synth is sweet wich is a good way to equilibrate everything. Very good track!