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  • you use this pad sample too much! ive heard it in several of your tracks now! either use another or make your own. but it fits the atmosphere of this track perfectly! this is just so so amazing....those voices are so cool. and i love the closeness of the rain and percussion, really gives contrast to the far away voices and pad. beautiful beautiful work! :)

  • wow, this is quite amazing.

    You sir, have just earned a follower

  • pretty relaxing

  • Huge burial vibe, but effects on the perc are cool. Love the sub but it could be deeper, also love the sidechained ambience in the background

  • Correct ;) vocals

  • you genius. these are all voices. not pads. either that or i'm an idiot.

  • this is the song that would play if my time machine got stuck in between two times.. in that everlasting void.. not knowing if I would long for the past or the future to come the most

  • Stellar

  • Republished

    few edits

  • it's outstanding how your music goes pretty well with the cover, my ears said thank you.

    Just one suggestion : less haunting voices on the background ?

  • Republished

    Volume adjust