i think i broke audiotool.

this is at about 120db.

and it sounds like nothing in the program, idk about when i publish.

but yeah.


so bored. :P

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  • :P

  • the vorbis encoder may have difficulties with such high input. you should turn on the limiter.

  • rlly

  • @tophat ok thats why. im not gonna say thank you. ;)

  • headache! n_n

  • Because audiotool converts it's raw data to mp3, any work done in the flash program will be compressed into the small and limited data type.

  • LOL

  • :)

  • idk, its just up so loud, it should sound like crap.

  • interestingly.

  • resonance?

  • and its not the compressors that are doing that, i have the ratio and threshold to 100% and infinity so idk whats going on. weird.

  • and why did i fave?

  • and its sort of a letdown, i was hoping for the huge waveform. :(

  • why is that? does AT automatically reduce sound? so strange...