I was going to upload this raw and see what I could make with it, but ehhhh, there's just stuff I don't feel like changing with it at the moment. This is from outside of AT, I just wanted to share the sound I got lol. It took me a bit, but I got this from messing around a lot with the Soundtoys Effect Rack plug in, if you work on any other daws outside of AT I highly suggest getting it. Oh and don't worry, I've got actual tracks I'm putting together, so you know. This is just kind of a preview I guess you could say.

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  • what in the actual fuck, atmospheric post rock???? is that guitar a sample? this is straight up Godspeed You Black Emperor vibes and i love it

    • Oh but I really like Queens of The Stone Age too. I have a pretty broad taste, I can generally appreciate all kinds of music lol

    • I've been listening to a shit ton of NIN, Manson, TOOL, Puscifer, Perfect Circle, just that kind of stuff.

    • Lol I'm into a lot of different stuff, right now I'm listening to a lot of deftones and stuff along those lines. But yeah, the sub series just has such a nice sound to it, even without running it through anything.

    8 more
  • I still love the little slidey thing I did.

    • To be honest that's the only real reason I wanted to put this out, was because I loved the slidey part lol

  • Woah I love it

  • Oh thank you guys, I didn't even realize people saw this, I apologize.

    • I believe I left remix open if anyone wants to mess with this by the way.

  • Amazing sound .. very good

  • very interesting thanks for sharing