If my calculations are correct, please refer to:

. 1:28 for your happiness shot

. 1:40 for your memorisation shot

. 2:28 for your creativity shot

. 3:24 for your energy shot

. 3:44 for your antistress shot

. 4:12 for your eternal nap

If not, then I may just have simply reduced your life expectancy. Cheers.

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  • we need more tone matrix art rn

  • would love the never wake up thing

  • Great sounds man. Love the neverending pads!

  • Nice one !

  • Ah yes you could definitely be on one of those meditation sleep CDs you should apply xD

  • love the cover art and cool that you're learning keyboard chords n inversions while im learning guitar

    • yea the ukulele was much easier to learn 😅

    • Thank you for these nice comments, mate! Hehe that's good to go outside our comfort zones. It is not the easiest instrument, but improving your guitar skills is very rewarding, so keep up the good work ;)

    • also funny smiley in the snapshot

  • pretty interesting concept

  • Because this is good ambience, I am going to take multiple doses of all shots and proceed to try for 2 minutes instead of 1 because I know I will get effective results

    If it doesn't work, I blame adhd if not clickbait as is

    very nice

    • Ahah thanks ;) This one was a quick test, but I may release longer tracks of this type (at least 15-30 min), which could focus on a reduced range of frequencies to produce more targeted effects, compared to this one. If I remember well, higher level frequencies help in the case of ADHD. I'll check that

  • I'm floating, really good work

    • Thank you @Mircode :)) I was supposed to publish that one day earlier, but ironically fell asleep while listening to it for the final check. Glad to see that it relaxes other people as well ;)

  • Wow! very relaxing:~) can't wait for the psybient!

    • Thanks mate, enjoy ;) yeahh me too, I think it will take me a little bit of time to create a full psybient atmosphere though ahah

  • More the sounds I heard in sleep hypnosis videos on YouTube. ASMR doesn’t need music.

    Enough smart assery: Sound and composition fits very well. You could find this in one of those videos. Good work 👍

    • Hehe yes I know, I was playing with the absurd in my comparison ;)

      Thank you mate, you put a big smile on my face :)