tell me what you think of my song. tell me what you are thinking when you are listening to my song. if you want me to post one of YOUR songs on "www.Youtube.com" comment on my WALL, and follow me. (ps in the comment tell me what song you want me to post and the name,tags, and additional info of the song. search my name on youtube "bassCOPP" and check my songs there. like and comment on that video. thanks guys and i hope you enjoy my song(s)

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  • cool

  • Haha. Cool track!

  • yeah like nexuz said it has rave quality to it. its pretty legit though the bass is cool, but in some places the mix doesnt work, but other times, like when the vocal comes in, its AWESOME :D

  • yeah like nexuz said it has rave quality to it. its pretty legit though the bass is cool, but in some places the mix doesnt work, but other times, like when the vocal comes in, its AWESOME :D

  • Great :D

  • reminds me of a rave...with various flashing strobe lights, making the images appear like a seizure...that and electronic instruments with their many LED's and mixer controlls jumping up and down...

    In short its a nice track :D

  • nice track :)

  • cool

  • Really good work here bro!!!

    Solid track :)

  • (((http://www.audiotool.com/track/mad_like_a_machine/))) tell me what you think of my song. tell me what you are thinking when you are listening to my song. if you want me to post one of YOUR songs on "www.Youtube.com" comment on my WALL, and follow me. (ps in the comment tell me what song you want me to post and the name,tags, and additional info of the song. search my name on youtube "bassCOPP" and check my songs there. like and comment on that video. thanks guys and i hope you enjoy my song(s)