Nature doesn't belong to man, man belongs to nature. Remember that you are in an universe that contains other microscopic universes... We are dust, surrounding dust and surrounded by nothing else than dust.

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  • Thx m8, yeah i love that acid part too ! :)

  • Around 3:30 is when it really got interesting with the acid. Great track I enjoyed it

  • very happy about this sound, like it;)

  • Thanks roobarb, i prefer the term "Cosmic Trance" or "Galactic Trance" ^^

  • Thank you Wojactor !

  • Very nice.!!! Cybertrance vibe to it...:)

  • nice!

  • Merci bien ! C'est vrai que ça fait plaisir de croiser des gens du même coin :)

  • ahah ! encore un français qui fais des pures sons ! vachement frais ce petit synthé jadore ! bravo c superbe

  • I'll try it, @Approaching Human :)

  • Thank you @dronealpha , my studies are going well :)

    That's an interesting poem, I love it !

  • yeah chorus makes it more full. idunno exactly how, just try it, turn down the speed and change the spread around

  • Thank you :)

    What would it change on the voice ? I don't know how to use a chorus

    There is a bit reverb on the drums, but maybe not enough ^^

  • Nice work, I have a suggestion:

    use a chorus on the voice, and turn down the speed all the way, it'll sound really good that way.

    love this track, esp around 3:00 and after!

    also, adding reverb to the drums would be sweeeeet.!