Made from A. Michelle's injection template.

Thanks to him and Olondro for this thing.

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  • It seems you're the one who gave the idea to André and then he made it popular (pulverisateur into bassline thing), and that's what i used there :) Hence the 'thanks'. And thanks again for your appreciation !

  • I thought very cool, after that i asked myself what your thankin for...great track!

  • very nice... love when bass enter...

  • Nice niice synths.

  • very cool track, real nice!

  • Republished

    minor improvements

  • This track pulls me from the bar to the floor, good job :)

  • Republished

    Some chords were weird and the rhythm was a bit boring

  • ah I recognize André's Artwork and Olondros mustache combined in one ;) Nice one!

  • @Yafee ! : oh right :) i was struggling to mention that the image was made using the one from Inject<B>...

    @Cloud Cover : wow thanks then ! It sounds more like a funny song than a minimal track but i'm not sure I can correct this.

  • Oh yeah. i forgot about that. i usually try to use "<" ">" now to avoid that. The rest of that comment was "this is awesome" or some such high praise. Great work :)

  • @Versus : yes it does mate, I've encountered this on numerous occasion! To the point where I think I could of been misunderstood, heh..! For some reason it doesn't like standard parenthesis! :)

  • Haha sorry I didn't attend your classes ! :p

    There's something quite weird, I don't if it's this page only but putting parentheses in comments just make the text disappear

  • You know, I've been telling people about the value of routing through the 303 for ages.....>:( just kidding. this is awesome. Love it :).