Another attempt at being Sandy that I started on 2016/10/06, 21:36 :54 after playing with an arp bass on the HTML5 Heisenberg preview. As always, I unsandified it very quickly by adding chord progressions and trancy sounds and it became 2009 trance. Then I couldn't figure out what to do during the breaks, so I put this aside for more than a year till I decided to power through my lack of inspiration and add some uninspired sounds to the breaks.

Cover is a bump function, f(x) = {exp(-1/(1-x^2)) for x ϵ (-1, 1), 0 otherwise}.

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  • Groovy!

  • LOL why arent you getting more favorites on your tracks?

    • Because lame ass future bass and trap songs that people throw together with samples are apparently the new thang on AT...

  • sounds familiar. did you send a preview before? can definitely hear Sandy inspiration in the percussion and the arp :)

  • Republished

    Fixing track convention inconsistencies that occurred because I put this track off for too long and forgot.

  • <3

  • Republished

    Some patterns were misaligned on conversion from Flash to Next.

  • yes, the sound fits pretty well. The melodies in the first part too. The break and incoming synths are awesome but I couldn't imagine to have composed them. Great track! And I love the title :)

  • huh, the break is really nice!

  • nice window