...I deleted the distored guitar part, I left a distorted sound anyway, I hope it's better, any suggestion? thanx guys

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  • nice :)

  • cool

  • Thanx Diza...usually I use machiniste, this is the first track I didn't use it, lol! Anyway I think you're right for the beat. I tried to record me playing my guitar but the result was really bad, so I use a synth but I think the sound is too distorded, myabe I'll change it. Thanx again

  • I really like that one, think you should try with a machiniste and real drum samples...

  • Thanx a lot DjBuckWild!

  • i love the happy emotions that come out of this song. its one of those songs where you just feel like your on a journey.

  • I need a name change as I discover that my name and the art I've been using is from a tv station and a southern rock band and I don't want to be asociated with either. Check out my wal for names I'm considering and give your opinion please if you have the time.

  • No, drums. I also played trumpet and baritone in band class before the drums took me away from it. Later I learned to play some bass and a little guitar. I once had a room-mate who had a keyboard and a drum machine and he'd let me play with those when he was at work. But I was a better drummer than anything else. Which is why I've been avoiding the drum machine as much as possible lately as I want to challenge myself to improve my weaknesses.

  • that's ok, ehi Starz I read that you used to play in a band, what do you play? guitar?

  • No it is different but a little similar to ao. I guess it reminded me of it. Me head don't work so good.

  • ...it happens a lot of time that I try to find a new melody e when I think that I've found it, I discover that I put that in an older track...

  • the riff is a new one and I thoght the melody too, but maybe only in my head...I don't know...

  • That melodie is from another track of yours isn't it? I think I remember hearing it before.

  • yes probably you're right Starz, at the beginning I used a wave of me playing my guitar, but my sound card sucks and there was too much noise, so I deleted it and repaced with a distorted synth but that's not the same!

  • I like it but I'd like it more if it were less distorted. You create such great melodies. It seems a shame to hide them under all that fuzz.