This track goes out to Andre' michelle for all his hard work with audio tool . i call him papa smurf because he is the father figure of audio tool and audio tools colors are the same color as the smurfs. I seen on FB that A lot of folks been giving papa smurf a lot of grief latley. those of us that know him or know of him know that he is putting his heart and soul into audio tool and keeping it free for all. for that we thank you.

I created this track using all audio tool synths . i found a midi ( the chords ) that i liked, modified it , designed a synth for it and built a track around it .

For all those that care please Drop a line on Andre's wall and tell him thank you!

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  • I have a playlist that you can listen to smurfs on you way there!

  • it's a pad hipassed with distortion... it makes a trumpety, discoey, daft punkey sound

  • So amazing.... awesome complextro!!!! love the beginning, and I think I know how you made that synth too!

  • wow... AWESOME!!!

  • i love it i became addict to it

  • wow!!! that intro is sooo BAUCE!!!!!!! @ 1:00 LOVE THIS!!!! great melody synth. maybe needs some more reverb. the dubstep sounds are definently the best Ive heard here!!!!!!!!!!! you and I both have grown quite fond of zomboy recently and you two are very similar :) though the only gripe is just it basically repeats a second time but thats it. thanks to Andre and the AT team for all his hard work!!

  • how did u make this maaaaan!

  • LOVE THE NOTES AT 1:00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thanks ANDRE :D

  • Sounds a bit like my printer :)

  • That Synth Tho cx I Love It!!!

  • cool

  • i went to this place called the Grill today. you want to know what i ate? a smurf burger. there is some conspiracy going on... i know it