I love songs that mean something, this is not one of them

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  • What is birdcore?

    • that might be it

    • fraud genre for brainrot, random stuff, way to get an easy chart, etc.

    • Yeah, its weird, like Hip Hop, there are 30 different genres of Hip Hop.

    6 more
  • rip round a bout records

    nice track btw

  • ik this sound design lol

  • clashing keys and instruments, they would need to share similar EQing as well. This is all personal taste, but drums are very very quiet, there is no sidechain which would make this track breathe way more.

    You are on the right track music-wise, and I only give crit for you to grow, never stop creating my friend :)

    • thanks so much for the criticism, I guess there are still good people on the internet!! :)

    • you at least understand loud is not everything and for that you deserve more credit than you get, but do experiments like this one more often

  • simplist

  • This is pretty cool. Nice and chill

  • ispiring me to make sum like this

  • this is amazing i love it

  • I like it👍

  • Very ambient feel. (for extra ambience, use a water noise sample or something) ;)

  • Dam. This is fire fr

  • wow this has tons of views. Great job buddy!

  • Relaxation acquired, thanks to this track.

    • otay, hopefully you get on

    • Dang it, gtg. Catch up with you tomorrow.

    • At the same time though, I only got a few minutes until bedtime.

    9 more
  • Interesting but good

    • truly, the dumbest song I have ever made. the dumbest.

  • thanks, there is no point in this song, but its #1 so I did something right.