I love songs that mean something, this is not one of them

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  • What is birdcore?

    • well, i suppose it comes mostly in the form of Pop, its like a branch of it. I guess it comes technical, like how Alternative is a branch of Rock.

    • Not trying to come across as bad but I can't find anything definitive that suggest it's an actual official genre. Is this just what people are deciding to call it? I've only found a few playlists. Outside of that nothing sufficient? Idk.

    • Birdcore is a actual genre of music that includes very meaningful music, such as my song Wish You Wish Stay, or other Lofi songs sometimes.

    1 more
  • wow this has tons of views. Great job buddy!

  • Relaxation acquired, thanks to this track.

    • otay, hopefully you get on

    • Dang it, gtg. Catch up with you tomorrow.

    • At the same time though, I only got a few minutes until bedtime.

    9 more
  • Interesting but good

    • truly, the dumbest song I have ever made. the dumbest.

  • thanks, there is no point in this song, but its #1 so I did something right.

  • noice

  • what do u think?