This song I wrote for piano, then It got so complicated that I couldn't play it with two hands. So I punched it into AT and got this. The name I pulled off the top of my head so if you can come up with a better name, thank you.


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  • very nice!

  • Love this... 2:28 is amazing.

  • This is the best

  • This arrangement is sick

  • This is pretty good. a little bit of a slow start. but still really great.

  • I dont really think i can say anything that anyone else hasnt already said xD but it was awesome to listen to. very nice!

  • i was in a very pissed off mood before i listened to this... now im not... very few things can have that effect on me.. this is amazing :D ^___^ i am proud to say i have worked with you ^__^ i LOVE this track great job. i have nothing to really comment as far as feedback goes because to me this is just about perfect i love everything about this MYST. GREAT composition :P

  • Very appropriate name. A song with a cool eerie lead like that deserves a pat on the back.

  • that is nasty bruh

  • Republished

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