Honestly, I'm really, REALLY happy with this. It's probably the best thing I've ever made.

Yup, I said it. Even better than Nightmare, Insomia, and that other joke remix I made that wasn't really a remix but just me eating oreos over an existing song.

I started on this Saturday night and I've been so excited to finish it ever since. This is one of those songs that I wouldn't be afraid to share with all my peers. That's how proud of this I am.

No bassline because that would've been overkill.

Also, I "borrowed" Jeff's hihats again.

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  • Based track here

  • Noice dude.

  • Awesome track!

  • May I have your permission to remix this track?

  • Republished

    I added something that should've been there from the start

  • ohmygosh awesome! even better than oreos eating, indeed!

  • That hi hat .... it's just something about it... absolutely brilliant taste it adds to a track..

    nice one man!