North Eastern Baranquon is known for its vast forest. It is most famous for "the Baranquon split" which is located at the south most point of this region. Compared to the planet It has multiple comparably miniature lakes which would be large to us. It has one of the four giant fans of Baranquon. Hundreds of thousands of the are located all over the planet. They are an ominous sight but they help to raise up and extend the atmosphere so that the gravity will not be too pressurized. Although the planet is several time the size of Jupiter it is the gravitational pressure of the earth. The trees of North Eastern Baranquon is comparable in size to the trees of Eastern Baranquon. Roads lead to the North Pole which is a very large distance away. The forest extends all the way to the twilight zone. Due to the warm shores, Baranquon is warmer than what it would be with out them. Like Eastern Baranquon this is why it is dense with fog. The density is not as strong as that of Eastern Baranquon. North Eastern Baranquon does not have as many of the giant mountains that Southern and Eastern Baranquon have. Despite more favorable conditions, it has slightly less houses. It is one of the rainiest parts of Baranquon. Smart technology transport the rain to far off more desert like environments

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