A bit of fun using an electric guitar loop from looperman

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  • Nice one for the feedback people. Audio M.D. Thanks for describing it like that :)

  • That guitar loop works excellent. Great work here.

  • Ah hell yes. I love it when people go outside of the box and still wrap the gift. This is really cool.

  • great great work here :)

  • Lol. REissuce. Just lol.

  • more people seriously need to hear your stuff i am gonna share this! this is Great !

  • you make awesome tracks man!

  • Love the bass in this. Thick!

  • no tempo changes, just that (easy to workout millisecond tuning) 80-160 bpm speed. Easy because it equals an exact 0.375 seconds per beat. whereas say a tempo of 173 bpm equals: 0.34682080924855491329479768786127 seconds per beat or there abouts. The round number makes fine tuning fx, oscillators, samples etc sooooooo much easier...

    Ok I'll shut up now :)

  • Thanks freezedried! These are the changes to the original:

    1. plain sirens exchanged for new echo-dub sirens at the top and tail.

    2. square pulse pulverisateur starts earlier in the intro.

    3. electric guitar loop overlaid on the mix. given a rasselbock & sweeping slope for fx

  • i like that version ,it's slower right? anyway beuatiful they other too is realy good :)