[ENTRIES CLOSED] 300! Thanks to everyone of you!!! This site is the best, best community, best people, best support.. I love you <3 <3 <3

To celebrate this, I'm doing something I never did before, a remix competition!



- You must change things (obvious)

- You must make A FULL TRACK with the help (or not) of ^^^my example^^^

- You must use the AT App or your track will have fewer chances to be in the top ten

- Be creative, do something unique, show your own style!

- Don't remix someone else's remix

- You can collab if you want to!


->EDIT!!!<- : It seems there will be enough entries to make a top ten of the best remixes, so finally I'll do a top ten! x) ENTRIES CLOSED MARCH 20th, THE TOP 10 WILL BE POSTED WHEN EVERYONE THAT WAS IN THE COMPETITION WILL HAVE THEIR REMIX READY!

Have fun, and again, THANKS <3

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