this sample is so wack I to un-wackify it

it kind of worked

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  • Mind if I remix this? Maybe stretch it out bit?

    1 more
  • i feel like i'm playing some futuristic outer space shooter game

  • the tag lol

  • wwwottttt

  • aaaaaaaaaaaaand i like it :)

  • Republished

    just muted lead for now

  • thanks bro

  • idk dude its pretty good, ive just been going through a lot of stuff and been in a bad mood for this past week, not trying to be a dick.

  • it's going to take some time to get used to this, but so far I like it (sorta)

  • nah man ha cool af percs and you did a good job with the sample. gotta agree with tim tho, ur lead sounds pretty off a lot of the time.

  • not really salty, just don't fuck with this as much as I do with others

  • it sucks bye

  • Wow nice man ! I really like the bass, the use of the sample, the only thing i don't like is that lead at 0:26 , it doesn't sound good imo... But overall great atmosphere :)

  • i loved that bass!

  • L I T