My remix of Bassface by BTDubz. Thaks to BT for coming up with such a sick bass tone. I've really wanted to figure out how to do this so here it is. my remix. and its not totally finished yet, but im giving DJ electrix a sneak peek haha, ENJOY! ( just redid some of the bass, and the intro. i also beefed up the drums alot, and added in some little tweaks and such)

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  • the orginal was not that much though. it was just kind of a sample :p

  • This is like 1 upping the original but YOU 10 UPPED IT. It's sickkk.

  • since you like Dun step and faved my Last two installments of my dub step trilogy

    you should check out the track that started it all " me Godzilla You Japan"

  • thanks dude, i was just listening to all your shit to. I've already faved like 3 tracks. You got some nice beats man.

  • thank you m8 :) that means a lot to me :)

  • love this pic man great edits here !!

  • MMMMMM tasty