Their you have it more auto~mations, Another 1minute mix.

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  • #EvenDuff_Composition

  • Usually midi files sometimes, remix some who has and so on.

  • This is really good!

    How do you figure out the melody for this? Do you import a midi file or do you completely figure out the melody yourself? Either way, it's good :D

  • And syrinx are right, anyway your track is awesome

  • Really good

  • I love it mate.

    I'm gunna remix this eventually but at the moment I'm a little busy with some other stuff I've been working on.

    Love the beat at 1:39 , nice track. One thing to improve on is when the chorus ends at 3:11 try to make that a little smoother and when the melody comes back try to make it smoother too.

  • Im excited! Ill listen asap!

  • O man i travel in my space ship power super energy dang inspiring kind of hard to resist i sing all the way push the chair and dang it a broke the wall .....