This is my original mix of the track made by Slylox and Bublicious.

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  • The way you replied was soooooooo respectful and kind, I will never be the person you are. Im sorry for over reacting, I was just so excited about that track. Sorry again, dont worry. Atleast we all had fun right!! Its totally not your fault. You just did you, you did invite me to YOUR track after all XD. My edits mean absolutely nothing to me now, having heard what you just said, your words are now more valuable in my eyes. Im sorry again

  • Actually, send another invitation to (Home) I would gladly work with you!

  • This is absolutely not the original, Ive worked hard, and long enough on this to realise that. Excuse my temper but did u just delete my most improved track/favorite track ive ever worked on? I cant believe this.........oh well just make this your own track then.

    • Well , I just only want to remix the track , I don't know about that. I'm so sorry about that , if you know the original presets , send for me the names of them and I will change them at that track. Remember , I only wanted to remix , but I think Slylox changed the name to Slyloxfox (or other) and Audiotool can't available to find the user on the last name that he/she have. So maybe the problem is connected with changed name of this user on Audiotool with which you collaborated at the past.

    • But everyone of us must solve them.

      Maybe he/she wanted to change artist name .

      Or maybe he/she doesn't have now the profile on Audiotool ?

      Please ask about that that he/she changed name or doesn't have the profile actually ..

      But I hope that he/she has got the profile , but with different name.

      I can support you like this.

      Thank you very much at all !

    • Don't worry , I think the user changed the name and it's now SlyloxFox (or other). If you have the contact with him/her please ask about that :

      Do you use Audiotool now ? What is your artist name actually ?

      Thank you very much about the information.

      I saw that this track is available for remix but at first time I don't know that one of the collaborators will change the name.

      By the way I'm very important person at music , so don't worry. Everyone of us can make mistakes.