Next song for the Zombie Assult soundtrack

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  • @Cosmic DaVinci I mean like traditional chiptune as in chiptune that sounds like the 80s

  • Okay, for something completely out of topic, does anyone know how to get rid of those stupid ad links on Chrome?

  • Chiptune was originally meant to be music created from the actual console itself so making it using software like Audiotool is basically replicating but it is still called chiptune because of its style, otherwise there would be no other cata to put it in

  • I think I would know better Nintendubs. I have studied chiptune for months. Chiptune only requires synthesized textures that are sequenced in a certain way. Typically video game-esque. It can be meshed with other genres

  • You're not exactly supposed to have wubs in a chiptune song