This song was inspired by a book im righting. BAsically, the story is about the world post-apocalypse. In this apocalypse, a huge abyss covered the world in multiple cracks, leaving small places of land. This left the world separated with no means of communication and vurnerable to the Subterro tribes that came from beneath the Earth. So, not wanting to ruin the story any more, i leave with a suspenseful note. i will probably post this story somewhere, but it may take a REALLY long time. Like a year or two, so with a long journey ahead of me, here's a song to begin it!

p.s.: this would be on the "soundtrack" for the book xD im so non-mainstream (hipster powers YEAH)

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  • nice ambient/chill. good luck w/ the story :)

  • thank you all! :)

  • really nice

  • Really enjoy the various nuances of sound.

  • N1 Alky really good, like it :) !

  • Sounds like you are embarking on a great quest with this music and your story.

  • wondering if i should open this up for remixes. anybody want to try?

  • lol ;D thanks musicgirl, and ill make sure to take your advice ;)

  • I'm really enjoying this.

    I like the theme of your book and how you are creating music to accompany your book . Perhaps your book will be picked up into a movie and then your own compositions will be in it as well! (if you keep spilling the beans, someone will steal your book writing/movie ideas so becareful).

    Wishing you the best! :)

  • :) thanks olls

  • Like how the drums progress in this dude and then at 3:12 the new synth comes in :)

  • :) thanks east winds! :)

  • sweet synth, man!

  • :D thanks SBD!! ^_^

  • Found myself play air drums along with yo track, this is a goody.