I tinkered with some stuff, did some other stuff, too. Mostly left it alone. Oh, I believe I also got a drink during this time that I was working on this. Uh. Yeah. I'm not really looking to win anything, but if I do, hey, cool! Go me.

Good luck to the other contestants, may the best man (or woman) win.


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  • Its got a very oriental vibe to it :D

  • @Hypersonics :: Definitely, so long as I do get the proper credit.

    @DrPeetree :: Thanks! Much appreciated!


  • Hey do I have permission to put this on my soundcloud for the remix album?

    Don't worry I'lm giving you all right and credit for your mix:)

  • Nice one :D sounds good

  • Yeah it's pretty good:)

  • Thanks! Glad you like it. Did some stuff I've never actually done before, I don't think it turned out TOO catastrophic.


  • Nice Remix! :D