I Hope You Like This,

My Filter/House Is Stupid!

Enjoy And Dance! n_n

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  • your music is a must move kind of thing

  • Thanks guys! n_n

  • Cool XD

  • This is Stupid Good

  • If i got some time i would love to remix this.

  • If I demand to Daft Punk maybe win! n_n

  • I will read the terms and condition of audiotool with more detail, thanks guys for the notice, I'm stupid! n_n

  • Sorry guys, obviously is daft punk sample, but for me this no is a intent illegal, only used the sample nonprofit maybe this it's against the audiotool's law but in audiotool say everything you upload is responsibility of users and demand or denounce is the users work in flag any irregularities, I don't denounce any sample, for me the Internet is free only expression of the ideas of human but never I will be rich, My dream is listen music! n_n

  • but instead of complaining or offend people....click remix button and flag sample as copyright

  • hehe :)

  • Look at the contributor's avatar, it's even more obvious!

  • Exactly what i was thinking daft! This is a major problem...