Piano synth.

No sample.

4 Heisenbergs.

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  • hehe

  • Thank you for the advice mbelow!

  • I was just having a break. Now back to being offensive ;)

  • One thing you could do to make it a bit easier to use: Use virtual regions to feed the same notes to all heisenbergs. Just drag the note track from the first heisen to the others holding down the CTRL and SHIFT keys (well, at least on a PC). Changes in one note track will then immediately be reflected by the others.

  • It's quite heavy to use, there are other piano synth, much simpler. I will try to make another realistic synths.

  • It looks like we'd really benefit from an additive synth.

  • Although it is monophonic and somewhat impractical, but still.

  • what the wow. Expect people to steal this.

  • Oh my god

  • WOW! Excellent!

  • amazing work - ty !