This song was made by Daft Punk, NOT ME. Just to make that clear. Anyway i thought this is really cool since i made this electric guitar synth so yeah. :)

Remix Contest!:

Here are the rules:

Must be 1 and 30 seconds or longer.

Bpm must stay within 110-130.


A follow for you if I havent already!

And a, i dont know, a pat on the back?

Good Luck!

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  • only 1 remix lol

  • their website must have some secret.

  • they have myspace. they did the music for tron in like 2010 and i wonder if they ever come out of those suits.

  • Do you want a CD with stache, codec, and shave it up? (Those are the ones I think you would like best)

  • Dude I got the new zedd album :D

  • Yep

  • if you win...

  • So you will get a pat on the back as a christmas present

  • Oh whoever remixes this, the contest ends on CHRISTMAS.

  • Finish!

  • I remix it yet Its Publishing...

  • woah, I am the only one who remixed it?! Damn....

    I know why! THIS SONG IS AWESOME MAN! You did a great job!

  • Oh my fjsfnsejfesiajfajfisajai. Just woke up with a whole lot of favs on my tracks! THANKS GUYS!

  • I love Daft Punk!!!

  • Great!