The circus can be a dangerous place. Deep, dark secrets are held inside. Secrets that will cause destruction. And if you find them, lord have mercy upon your doomed soul.

All the WACKO and circus related songs are going up on my soundcloud. the link will be put up on my wall as sson as this is published and the set is on soundcloud.

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  • lol thanks :D

  • Good work Bruthu lol the beginning sounds like some one Squeezing a big red honker nose lol

  • This tite should read the Circus Isnt all fun and games ( unless your me) :)

  • This tite should read the Circus Isnt all fun and games ( unless your me) :)

  • This tite should read the Circus Isnt all fun and games ( unless your me) :)

  • great track

  • thanks :D lol

  • crazzy stuff man so good but soundcloud not my branch only fallowing ppl in here it's alrdy a challenge :)

  • thanks lol :D

  • nice track..but i agree with tornsage .i think it shud fade off in the beginning...but awesome track..i like that synth sound that comes in at 2:15

  • I was grooving out to that buzz sound! It was obnoxious, but I loved it a train wreck! I couldn't stop listening.

  • :)

  • :D

  • lololol its cool constructive crittism