With the failures of Capitalism and Free Markets showing their ugly heads, it's becoming more and more clear, a new world goverment is necessary. Communism seems to be the worlds best bet. In Communism social class, currency and robbery are all erased. Farmers grow their crops in the feilds and trade them in the city for the equitment and necessitys the workers built. Also, everyone owns the same amount of the same thing. No need to steal a TV when everyone owns the same, exact TV.

This song was made thanks to a few samples: the Piano and Underlying Sythn, the rest is my own work. Thank you guys for sharing the great material!

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  • Communism only works on paper. Human nature has destroyed every attempt made.

  • @_______ North Korea is a great place to live if you don't like eating or having electricity

  • @Snadbrugen Thank you for saying that. I think f.s.o.a. needed to see it

  • the track is not good enough for effective propaganda

  • By passing bill and such in the corporation’s favor and not the people’s, America is slowly becoming what we originally formed to break away from. I think I have addressed all of what you brought up, if not please elaborate. Also, why do you feel Capitalism is best, or at least better then Communism?

  • Now this is where I have been trying to get to; Capitalism is shorting us of our natural rights. And really, it’s all because of greed, greed and the want to be most powerful. If a country were to completely follow the original guild-lines for Communism, they wouldn’t have this problem. That was the point I was trying to make.

  • A good example of this is Kosh Industries who “…is giving $73m. to climate skeptic groups 'spreading inaccurate and misleading information’… ” on oil and CO2 being direct causes of global warming (Cited from: Now if this has happened once, then it’s safe to say that it has happened many times before.

  • When this happens, people (rightfully) get pissed off and scream for a difference. And like respectful citizens the corporations their change their evil ways. But not always. Just recently word spread that some corporations were bribing house representatives and congress men not to pass certain bills and laws that directly and indirectly affect their markets

  • I feel that the corporations use certain ways of getting what they what or need, and these “certain ways” are what the Average Joe might view as being Un-moral. Now, as people begin to see some of these faults and possible schemes, they try to expose them to the public, hoping to get the Average Joes to see. Morgan Spurlock’s Supersize Me is a great example of this.

  • Now I know you’re probably screaming “What the hell is this guy’s problem? The environment has nothing to do with economical rights!” You are completely right, it’s just that I feel that the current environmental crisis we find ourselves is too great an issue to ignore, but I’ll save the grimy details for another song.

  • selfish, greedy, sons-of-bitchs that will stop at nothing to keep making money. Yes, they are a businesses at their core, so that is understandable, but it’s the way they make their money that is screwing us over. They need resources, lots and lots of resources. This in turn, ruins our environment; so much that all life on earth is gonna find life a little challenging in the next hundred years.

  • @DarkTheory I don’t think I expressed what I wanted to say right. Capitalism is an economical system, built upon the free market. Capitalism is also built to run by corporations. Yes, corporations the evil-doers that everyone is suddenly feels are cool to dis. So before you say that this is another reason to call me an “average pseudo-revolutionary teenager” let me evaluate. The stem to the real problem is that nobody addresses is that corporations are (Cont.)

  • @Coeur Notice it's my first track, therefore not the greatest :l

  • lehl no favs on this track