...to be honest that is the Original... ...I think you should listen to this, `specially if you like it pumpin...

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  • this needs more views

  • ;-))

  • coolondro...... that funky sound as a guitar made my day :)

  • kicked the triangel, hihat back....

  • ...hickhack, ....bed is calling

  • ...yes thanks Alchemist + Tornsage, i didnt release, but it is more like the music I made years ago, ( bought and released as well9....hm ja ich auch, bin froh dat ich qralfnoch die miniversion gemacht hab, wollte diese aber nich löschen, hohe ton is ne triangel, hm naja maby mach ich ihn wech ma schaun..

  • der hohe ton im off beat nervt irgendwie ... sonst geil!

    But I prefer the other version to be honest

  • itss dark!!! just like my previous music. i love it, has the scary door creaky thing going on here. when the drum beeat jumps in, im like. WHOA! love it olondro great job

  • oh yeah!!! :D

    nice job olondro!!

    like it.

    when did you release this song?

  • love it excellent !!!

  • ...thanks drone, yeah my neighbours often suffer maby a bit,.. I now try to use my headphones more often..;-9

  • we LOVE it pumpin . . . encore tres fett uber kopfhorer. probably awesome on speakers too but my neighbors don't like it at this hour. another choice cut of olondro prime. yes.