A little track to chill to on the cold winter evenings.

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  • hey olondro, thanks for the favourite, from what I have gathered it means "bump to feed" and is a way users advertise another users track so it gets more hits :)

  • ...I asked that very often, nobody told me, hope thistime I will see the answer!

  • Im sorry, im newish here, but what does BTF mean?

  • :)


  • :)


  • beautiful :)

  • i have a lot of respect for original synth work especially done well with great harmony

    I am also a fan of a description that sells the mood no matter how short or long :) some times 2 words say more then 200 this has a lot of what i like so ill start following you now :)

  • Cheers Mate :)

  • Wow the synths really relaxed me. Sounds good man.