The original chord structure is from The Doors - “Riders On the Storm”. This is obviously completely different from the original but a trained ear can pick out the similarities.

Also unlike the original, this song is composed around the mythological story of Icarus who foolishly failed to heed his father’s wisdom and ultimately was consumed by the sea.

My story begins as I picture it in my mind:

“Icarus my son, with thine open ear, feast with diligence on words from my parted lips.”

“Father I hear thee.”

”Son, let not thy desires deceive thee, fly to the sun and she will consume thy wings with her flaming light. Soar to the sea and he will devour thee with his cool moist breath.”

“Council me not father, know not that I am more youthful and twice the strength of thee? See here, I showeth thee.”

Icarus you fool, you’ve broken his heart.

You failed to listen from the very start.

He laid a path from an impending doom.

His wisdom’s sight gave freedom room.

To the sun you fly too near.

The wax on wing she doth sear.

Now you plummet to the sea.

All for failure of your father’s plea.

(As a side note. I found that if you max the filter cutoff and resonance to both sides of the spectrum you get a fabricated beat structure. This can be heard as a synthetic beat starting at 1:04 to 1:20 , in layman's terms, you get a beat sound without a beat maker.)

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  • i love those vocals man!

  • and nice Doors use btw, "Riders on the storm" is definitly one of my favorite , with "The End" maybe

  • I always figured out Icarus as a crazy stoned man, only trying to live his dream whatever the cost. So the tracks just fit ;)

  • The song is peppy and the story a bit down. All combined creates a superb oxymoron. An upper downer of sorts. Thanks again SharKyyo.

  • I find it funny and entertaining, don't know if I should :) Anyway very good synth envelop and much creative work ,as ever,and the story also makes the track :)

  • Thanks SharKyyo.