Awwwwwwww Yeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhh...

Who says a smoothe bump can't have trap beats?

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  • No matter how many times I listen to this, I get amazed at how well you fused SOUL and TRAP together !! You've got my respect as a music creator.

  • You sharing that Four Tops sample or nah ? I also have a Four Tops sample, but it won't let me upload it into the editor, can you help me ?

  • Yooooooo this is one of the illest songs I've heard since I've been a member on Audiotool (2 days now LOL), but this is my 1st time checking your stuff out and i like it.

  • I just hit you up with a mini edit dawg.

  • Darn it this didn't chart XD

  • very cool

  • Nice one, i might remix this!!

  • Is there any way we can get this on the singles chart everybody? This is getting kinda popular...

  • jesus i need this

  • <3 WOW! I love this! <3

  • Yooooo!!!! This is dope!!! I'm glad you're the group. Gonna let them all know now.

  • Trap tap tap tap tap taptatpatpapt . Good stuff brah. c;

  • man, this computer isn't going to play it. But , If I remember I will SURELY listen. Or you can just remind, but I'll remember. Any artist music is important. c;

  • Nice!

  • Nice bump i liek the vocal chop