I have no idea what am i doing with my life after just coming back from a long ass hiatus... i guess i recreated my track which is just a shit load of samples... well yeah

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  • Do I smell Cymatics smaples?

    • Trust me personally i don't like to use samples is just that the old me put a bunch of samples together and call it a "track" so i hate my past self lol

    • Yep.. This shit i made like 1 year ago.. called it a "song" but it's all samples.. so like i might as well did some lil bit of changes to the shit "song" which is actually just samples but meeehhhhh idc.

    • specifically 'Hybrid Trap vol. 1'

  • this is dope

    • Lol well this an old song and i just made some little changes to it it's not really anything it's just a bunch of samples well anyway still thx for the support

  • Is the Remix better or the old shitty version. actually both of them are shit