A few people actually did do some stuff with this, but other than that it was mostly just us chatting a little. I don't really know why I made this or decided to do it, this just kind of happened. Clint did some cool mixing as well as changing some sound, Myton was wanting to do something in the top left but he left so ehhh. Other than that, I made everything else, started off with the pad/chords thingy, and you know. Just a weird draft thing since I'm bored.

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  • my wifi failed so... lol

    • yea, thanks bro :D

    • Lol it's all good. Just thought I'd put you up there so people know you were actually doing stuff.

  • This dude still wonky even in a live draft

  • Wait so who did this?

    • I'm the main one who worked on it and I'm the one who published it, so you know.

    • Me. I own the draft.