This was interesting so i joined, added alot of stuff on this that I'm proud of but didn't want to take this remix too seriously, i didn't really have so many ideas on how to change it and wanted a drop on it (even if it sucked) hope you like and give me constructional critizism for i can make the remix better :)

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  • I wasn't ether, but my remix is still my best song. thats kinda sad :/ anywho, i like this remix a lot dude! i wish the contest would close so we could see who won...

  • @BassBeast i didn't use a crusher and this remix i wasn't taking too seriously but i will make it better soon

  • i will say that its a little heavy, and i get some white noise through my headphones :/ maybe to high of crusher (if ya used it)

  • i don't like ;/ sorry, too much noises

  • Congrats!! U just beat the shit outta all our attempts at this remix contest! I got to bets on u wining! nice job!!

  • Thank you so much cuddlex, i wasn't expecting people to actually like this because i didn't really want to take this seriously but now I've fix it now but idk how to really fix it, I'm not that good at music to tell what's wrong with it, if you can help I'll appreciate it so much

  • Yeah, apart from the moments where things are really out of tune, this is really good. Just take a good look at the notes you're using and the tunings of the instuments

  • awesomeness dude!! :3

  • wat

  • Awesome some sounds out if tube tho

  • lol thanks

  • Liked it at the first 15 seconds, omfg, this is good

  • This is epic!