Made this in one sitting

i kinda lost track of time...

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  • cringe name

    • Eh, it was from a while ago. Bold themes like this are great when you're still learning how to express through songwriting. Cringe is necessary for growth

  • I love dissssss

  • I Didn't know that 180bpm was slow.

    3 more
  • *opens ableton*

    *cuts track #stems*

    *creates midi fighter lightshow*



    The secret of this video is... @Vulkron


    Of course it is just a meme-

  • FINALLY I can do my weird ass dance to a song and it fits with the music! Not that this song is weird, but I can make it weird lol

  • vulky, how big is this draft??

    • never mind.. it just buttraped my computer

  • Republished

    re added sidechain

  • ^_^ :) THanks :)

  • Republished

    made it downloadable :P

  • Who hurt you?

    2 more
  • teach me how to multiband pls <3

    • multiband is just separating low/mid/high tones with a splitter +slopes + compression then controlling the levels with the compression ratios and feeding it back to a single channel with a merger.

      you can do a cheap multi band without compressors and just feed the split bands into a minimixer rather than merger and manually controlling the levels there; though leveling the volume overall is harder with that method

    • I honestly have no idea how multiband works, i just found presets that work lol

    5 more
  • i think this is my 100th time that i listen it XD

  • fuck. i need a pro audio rec or sum shit. this gud af

  • i wish this was downloadable

  • :T